Halloween and Guy Fawkes (bonfire) night can be fun for many, and some dogs can cope with the costumes, decorations, bangs and flashes. Many of our dogs and other pets do not cope well during this time of year and some are really frightened by new and strange sights and sudden noises. I will cover things you can do to help you ensure your dog and other pets are not scared while you are enjoying the celebrations.

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Many of the initial enquiries I receive start with "How can I stop my puppy or dog ..........? doing things such as toileting in the house biting, chewing, barking, Jumping up, crying when left, guarding Items, chasing, pulling any other issues This blog will explain why these may not be answered successfully without seeking help from a dog trainer or behaviourist

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Just like humans, dogs also go through a period of adolescence as they transition from puppyhood to adulthood. It can vary with individual dogs and will also depend on the breed of your puppy and its adult size but can start at approximately 5 months for small breeds up to 2 years for giant breeds. It is triggered by the increase hormones such as testosterone in males and oestrogen in females.

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The best time to request help is as soon as you notice any recurring behaviours that you find inappropriate and if you see signs of aggression, fear, anxiety, or excessive reactivity in your dog.

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Choosing a puppy involves considering many things to ensure you find a breed that suits your current & future lifestyle, preferences, & needs. While also considering the puppy’s natural instincts needs & personalities as these may not be compatible. This may cause conflict and distress to both you & your dog. It is also important to consider their adult size, future grooming, health, & care requirements.

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What is “Puppy Socialisation”? Is it allowing your puppy to meet, approach and interact with any dog, person, or animal they encounter? Or is it helping them become dogs well-adjusted, confident, and friendly in many environments and situations? “Socialising” or “confidence building” you puppy to different environments, situations & other dogs and animals is such an important process that will help them navigate their way through their life in a happy and relaxed manner.

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