1-2-1 training & support programmes, packages, sessions & classes for puppies & young dogs from 8 weeks - 2 years

To help you & your puppy or young dog learn the skills needed for this busy world.
Including recall, lead walking, calmness & good manners.
To enable them to become a happy & confident member of your family.

I would love to help
Contact Gill by
on 07595 217299
email gill@speakingpuppy.co.uk
or contact me below
I will respond to you as soon as I am free

Sign Up to Our
Monthly Newsletter
And receive 10% off any 1-2-1 training & support programmes booked within 30 days of signing up

The newsletter includes news, tips, seasonal information & recommendations

Puppies & young dogs can in equal measure be a delight or a nightmare and this can change with in seconds. I specialise in helping families during these turbulent months. With personalised training and support programmes, packages & sessions individual to you and your dogs needs. Also puppy classes at Llanymynech Village Hall You can also contact Gill by phone, message or voicenote on 07595 217299 or email gill@speakingspaniel.co.uk & I will respond to you as soon as I am free

I offer personalised  1-2-1 training & support programmes, packages, sessions & classes for puppies and young dogs from before collection up to 2 years or beyond.

Whether you require help with:
  • Preparing for your new puppy
  • Understanding their individual emotions, needs, personality & natural instincts
  • Bonding, communication, confidence & relationship building
  • Setting, sleep, rest & feeding routines
  • Toilet or crate training
  • Support with natural behaviours such as biting, chewing, barking or jumping up
  • Training skills & appropriate socialisation
  • Taking your learning into real life locations
  • Recall & loose lead walking
  • Behaviour support
  • General training skills
  • Introduction to games and other fun activities
I am based in Oswestry and have a private field in Llanymynech. For home visits I cover the towns & villages of north west  Shropshire, east Powys  including the SY10, SY11, SY12, SY21, SY22, LL14 & LL20 postcodes. For clients outside these postcodes or if they have dogs that would be uncomfortable with a stranger in the home I also offer video consultations.

Please complete the contact form and I will contact you as soon as I can you. I look forward to speaking with you very soon.

You can also contact me via e-mail gill@speakingpuppy.co.uk or by phone message  or voicenote  to 07595217299. I will contact you as soon as I am free but definitely within 2 working days of receipt

Puppy steps to confidence 6 month training package for puppies any time from before arriving. With alternating fortnightly in person & video call sessions & email or WhatsApp support between the face to face sessions. To gradually build you & your puppy's communication, connection skills & confidence. Covering all the changes & development stages your puppy will go through until they are confident young adult dog. With 3 payment options

The Puppy Steps to Confidence Package (in person & video call)
This package has been devised to help and support you and your puppy from before arrival (if required), the early weeks up to young adulthood. Without breaking the bank and with pay in full or 3 or 6 payment options.

This package includes alternate in person and video call sessions (fortnightly) with email or WhatsApp support between sessions

The focus is to gradually building you and your puppy's communication, connection & skills and in different situations using consistent and gentle training methods. This will give you the confidence and knowledge to take your dog to places they are comfortable with, remembering not all puppies or dogs will find every situation to their liking and you will be able to assess their feeling and act appropriately

The Puppy Steps to Confidence (in person & video call) package includes: 
30 minute puppy prep video or phone call 
Month 1 
  • Week 1 - 2 hour home visit to discuss any issues such as toilet training, feeding. sleeping or eating routines and understanding their needs, emotions & natural instincts. Running through and practicing your training plan for the month. The potential training exercises are listed below but may vary depending on their age and current ability
  • Week 2 - Email support and additional training information
  • Week 3 - 30 minute video or phone support call to answer any questions and review the training plan
  • Week 4 - Email support and additional training information
Month 2
  • Week 5 - 1 hour home visit to review progress and run through and practice this month's training plan
  • Week 6, 7 & 8 - as weeks 2, 3 & 4
Month 3
  • Week 9 - 1 hour session in your local area on lead to review progress and run through and practice this month's training plan
  • Week 10, 11 & 12 - as above 
Month 4
  • Week 13 - 1 hour session at my field in Llanymynech off lead to review progress and run through and practice this months training plan
  • Week 14, 15 & 16 - as above 
Month 5
  • Week 17 - 1 hour session in a countryside or recreation location on or off lead to review progress and run through and practice this month's training plan
  • Week 18, 19 & 20 - as above 
Month 6
  • Week 21  - 1 hour session in a residential or town location on lead to review progress and run through and practice this month's training plan
  • Week 22, 23 & 24 - as above 
Throughout the duration of your package, you can contact me with any questions and concerns by email or WhatsApp.

The package will follow this structured plan which will progress gradually over the weeks and months. It will include puppy training and routine building and progress into taking your puppy/young dog into real life locations and situations they may find themselves in when they are ready.

The training plans include:
  • Month 1 - name recognition, hand touch & collar hold
  • Month 2 - on & off, automatic sit & loose lead walking and recall foundations
  • Month 3 - loose lead walking, meeting people & dogs, confidence in a new situation
  • Month 4 - recall, communication, working around people and dog distractions
  • Month 5 - recall & loose lead walking, working around natural distractions 
  • Month 6  - loose lead walking, working around un-natural distractions, sitting calmly in distracting locations or cafes etc
Where possible for consistency and commitment  the training and support sessions should be held on the same day and time each month. If life gets in the way on occasion please let me know asap so we can rearrange for the following week

There are 3 payment options to fit your circumstances

Payment Options 
Full Payment on Booking - £445  (Saving £95)* 
3 payments (on booking and before month 3, before month 5) - £170 (Saving £60)*
6 payments (on booking and before weeks 5. 9, 13, 17 & 21) - £90 
* compared to paying over 6 months
As this is a long commitment a maximum of 2 weeks can be delayed due to holidays or sickness. My holidays and planned family situations will be notified and included into the schedule at the time of booking.

Click here to contact Gill

Or if you would prefer you can phone, message or voicenote on 07595 217299 or email gill@speakingpuppy.co.uk

Other Speaking Puppy services available are:I am based in Oswestry and have a private field & hold classes in Llanymynech. For home visits I cover the towns & villages of north west  Shropshire, east Powys including the SY10, SY11, SY12, SY21, SY22, LL14 & LL20 postcodes.

Puppy steps to confidence 6 month training package for puppies any time from before arriving. With fortnightly in person sessions & online email or WhatsApp support between your sessions. To gradually build you & your puppy's communication, connection skills & confidence. Covering all the changes & development stages your puppy will go through until they are confident young adult dog. With 3 payment options

The Puppy Steps to Confidence Package - Premium
This package has been devised to help and support you and your puppy from before arrival (if required), the early weeks up to young adulthood. With 3 payment options

This package includes fortnightly in person with online email or WhatsApp support between sessions

The focus is to gradually building you and your puppy's communication, connection & skills and in different situations using consistent and gentle training methods. This will give you the confidence and knowledge to take your dog to places they are comfortable with, remembering not all puppies or dogs will find every situation to their liking and you will be able to assess their feeling and act appropriately

The Puppy Steps to Confidence - Premium package includes: 
30 minute puppy prep video or phone call 
2 in person sessions and online e-mail or WhatsApp support between face to face sessions
Month 1 
  • Week 1 - 2 hour home visit to discuss any issues such as toilet training, feeding. sleeping or eating routines and understanding their needs, emotions & natural instincts. Running through and practicing your training plan for the month. The potential training exercises are listed below but may vary depending on their age and current ability
  • Week 3 - 1 hour session (usually) at your home
Month 2
  • Week 5 - 1 hour session either at home or in the local area (if cleared by your vet)
  • Week 7 - 1 hours
Month 3
  • Week 9 - 1 hour session in your local area on lead 
  • Week 11 - as above
Month 4
  • Week 13 - 1 hour session at my field in Llanymynech off lead 
  • Week 15  - as above 
Month 5
  • Week 17 - 1 hour session in a countryside or recreation location on or off lead 
  • Week 19 - as above 
Month 6
  • Week 21  - 1 hour session in a residential or town location on lead 
  • Week 23  - as above
  • Week 24 - Online video or WhatsApp final review
Each session will include a review of your progress since the last session & will include notes on how to progress the previous session's exercises
Throughout the duration of your package, you can contact me with any questions and concerns by email or WhatsApp.

The package will follow this structured plan which will progress gradually over the weeks and months. It will include puppy training and routine building and progress into taking your puppy/young dog into real life locations and situations they may find themselves in when they are ready.

The training plans include:
  • Month 1 - name recognition, hand touch & collar hold
  • Month 2 - on & off, automatic sit & loose lead walking and recall foundations
  • Month 3 - loose lead walking, meeting people & dogs, confidence in a new situation
  • Month 4 - recall, communication, working around people and dog distractions
  • Month 5 - recall & loose lead walking, working around natural distractions 
  • Month 6  - loose lead walking, working around un-natural distractions, sitting calmly in distracting locations or cafes etc
Where possible for consistency and commitment  the training and support sessions should be held on the same day and time each fortnight. If life gets in the way on occasion please let me know asap so we can rearrange to a convenient time for us both

Payment Options 
Full Payment on Booking - £595 (Saving £95)* 
3 payments (on booking and before month 3, before month 5) - £210 (Saving £60)*
6 payments (on booking and before weeks 5. 9, 13, 17 & 21) - £115
* compared to paying over 6 months
As this is a long commitment a maximum of 2 weeks can be delayed due to holidays or sickness. My holidays and planned family situations will be notified and included into the schedule at the time of booking.

Click here to contact Gill

Or if you would prefer you can phone, message or voicenote on 07595 217299 or email gill@speakingpuppy.co.uk

Other Speaking Puppy services available are:I am based in Oswestry and have a private field & hold classes in Llanymynech. For home visits I cover the towns & villages of north west  Shropshire, east Powys including the SY10, SY11, SY12, SY21, SY22, LL14 & LL20 postcodes.

Personalised 1-2-1 puppy & young dog programmes for all breeds from 8 weeks to 2 years and beyond. I will help you with the rollercoaster ride called "puppy training" through to when they become mature young dogs. I can support while you learn to understand their needs, emotions, personality & natural instincts at whatever stage they are at. Programmes can include advice on: chewing, biting, jumping, calmness, manners, building routines lead walking, recall & more.

Personalised 6 week one to one puppy & young dog training programme for all breeds from 8 weeks, All my programmes and packages can commence in your home as soon as your puppy has settled in. 

The programme includes:
  • An initial consultation (2 hours) at your home for us all to meet and get to know each other so we can talk through your issues, set up routines if required and to formulate your individual programme
  • 3 x 60 minute sessions fortnightly at or near your home or at my private field in Llanymynech
  • Programme plan and weekly email, phone or WhatsApp support 
  • Email or Telephone support
Programme (as above) - £220
Further sessions - 3 x 1 hour sessions (fortnightly) - £135

Programmes are individual to you and your puppy taking into consideration: 
  • Their age & previous history
  • Your previous experience 
  • Your family situation
  • Any long term goals you may have
To help you understand their individual needs, personality. emotions & natural instincts and how work with & support this at whatever development stage they are at.
Whether it is:
  • Managing biting, chewing, barking, jumping up, calmness and other natural puppy behaviours
  • Planning life long routines - sleep, rest, toileting, feeding & activities
  • Help and support with recall, lead walking & any other training need
  • Building communication, relationship & confidence 
  • Cultivating appropriate dog to dog and dog to human greetings and interactions
  • Learn life skills together in different situations such as your local area, recreation parks, towns, the countryside or settling in pubs or cafes.
  • Navigating the hormonally and emotionally charged period of adolescence/puberty your young dog needs to travel through before reaching physical and mental maturity
Click here to contact Gill

Or if you would prefer you can phone, message or voicenote on 07595 217299 or email gill@speakingpuppy.co.uk

Other Speaking Puppy services available are:We use gentle, rewarding & pain free methods of training, while considering the learning styles of both you and your puppy or dog.

If you are looking for training for a very young puppy (under 16 weeks) this is time sensitive due to the the speed your puppy will develop during their first few weeks with you. I would therefore recommend you book in advance so we can commence once you puppy has settled with you which is probably 5 -7 days after they have joined the family and had their initial vet check.

I am based in Oswestry and have a private field & hold classes in Llanymynech. 
For home visits I cover the towns & villages of north west Shropshire, east Powys including the SY10, SY11, SY12, SY21, SY22, LL14 & LL20 postcodes.

A 40 minute video call to answer any questions you have before collecting your new puppy. I can advise on, items you may need. your puppy's journey home, sleeping plans, toilet training, puppy proofing the house & garden, prevention of separation issues, integration with dogs & animals & any concerns you may have. You can click below to book as session or contact me by phone, message, voicenote on 07595 217277 or email gill@speakingpuppy.co,uk and I will respond to you as soon as I am free

  • Are you getting a puppy soon?
  • Would you like to know what to expect?
  • Do you want to give your puppy the best start to living with you?
If you answered YES a Speaking Puppy preparation session may be just what you need.

A 40 minute online video session can help answer any questions you may have,

I can help & advise on
  • Items you may need
  • Your puppy's journey home
  • Sleeping arrangements and their first few nights
  • Toilet training
  • Puppy proofing the house & garden
  • Prevention of separation issues
  • Integration with other dogs & animals
& more

Puppy Preparation session (via zoom or WhatsApp) - £40

Click here to contact Gill

Or if you would prefer you can phone, message or voicenote on 07595 217299 or email gill@speakingpuppy.co.uk

Other Speaking Puppy services available are:We use gentle, rewarding & pain free methods of training in all our programmes to help you understand your dog's needs personality & natural instincts while considering the learning styles of both you and your puppy.

I am based in Oswestry and have a private field & hold classes in Llanymynech. For home visits I cover the towns & villages of north west  Shropshire, east Powys including the SY10, SY11, SY12, SY21, SY22, LL14 & LL20 postcodes.

1-2-1 Training Sessions
1-2-1 puppy & adolescent dogs training sessions held at my field in Llanymynech.

60 minute session to cover any of your puppy or adolescent dogs training needs.

We can cover:
  • Recall.
  • Loose lead walking
  • Emergency stop
  • Whistle training
  • & other training needs

£40 each 
£105 for 3 sessions held weekly or fortnightly

6 week puppy training classes for puppies up to 8 months suitable for all breeds. Held at Llanymynech Village hall, classes will be small to allow space for practice and so that puppies do nor distract each other during the class. You can book by clicking on the class or contact me by phone, message, voicenote on 07595 217277 or email gill@speakingpuppy.co,uk and I will respond to you as soon as I am free

Puppy Training Class

Puppy Training Class

Six week puppy training course for puppies up to 6 months Held at Llanymynech Village Hall, Station Road, SY22 6EE Next Course Starts Monday 31st March 2025 - 6pm Not including Easter Monday 21st April but or early May bank holiday Monday 5th May so will end on Monday May 19th

Learn More
Puppy Plus Training Class

Puppy Plus Training Class

Six week puppy plus training course for puppies from to 6 - 8 months Held at Llanymynech Village Hall, Station Road, SY22 6EE Next Course Starts Monday 31st March 2025 - 5.00pm Not including Easter Monday 21st April but or early May bank holiday Monday 5th May so will end on Monday May 19th

Learn More

Speaking Puppy personalised 1-2-1 training & support programmes, packages, sessions & classes for all dogs up to 2 years. Helping you understand their needs, emotions, natural instincts & building communication, confidence & relationships during. Based in Oswestry & cover north west Shropshire, east Powys including SY10, SY11, SY12, SY21, SY22, LL14 & LL20 postcodes. You also contact Gill by phone, message or voicenote on 07595 217299 or email gill@speakingpuppy.co.uk or click the buttons below

Free 20 Minute Phone Call

  • Free 20 minute support call
  • Training or Behaviour
  • Advice
  • Support
  • Booking one to one programmes & classes
  • To book your FREE support call l contact me from the link on this page
  • Or email gill@speakingpuppy.co.uk.

Puppy Steps to Confidence - 6 Month Package From

  • The Puppy Steps to Confidence Package (in person & video call)
  • This package has been devised to help and support you and your puppy from before arrival (if required), the early weeks up to young adulthood. Without breaking the bank and with pay in full or 3 or 6 payment options.
  • This package includes alternate in person and video call sessions (fortnightly) with email or WhatsApp support between sessions
  • The focus is to gradually building you and your puppy's communication, connection & skills and in different situations using consistent and gentle training methods. This will give you the confidence and knowledge to take your dog to places they are comfortable with, remembering not all puppies or dogs will find every situation to their liking and you will be able to assess their feeling and act appropriately
  • There are 3 payment options to fit your circumstances
  • Full Payment on Booking - £445 (Saving £95)*
  • 3 payments (on booking and before month 3, before month 5) - £165 (Saving £60)*
  • 6 payments (on booking and before weeks 5. 9, 13, 17 & 21) - £90
  • * compared to paying over 6 months

Puppy Steps to Confidence Premium - 6 Month Package From

  • he Puppy Steps to Confidence Package - Premium
  • This package has been devised to help and support you and your puppy from before arrival (if required), the early weeks up to young adulthood. With 3 payment options
  • This package includes fortnightly in person with online email or WhatsApp support between sessions
  • The focus is to gradually building you and your puppy's communication, connection & skills and in different situations using consistent and gentle training methods. This will give you the confidence and knowledge to take your dog to places they are comfortable with, remembering not all puppies or dogs will find every situation to their liking and you will be able to assess their feeling and act appropriately
  • The Puppy Steps to Confidence - Premium package includes:
  • 30 minute puppy prep video or phone call
  • 2 in person sessions and online e-mail or WhatsApp support between face to face sessions
  • There are 3 payment options t
  • Full Payment on Booking - £595 (Saving £95)*
  • 3 payments (on booking and before month 3, before month 5) - £210 (Saving £60)*
  • 6 payments (on booking and before weeks 5. 9, 13, 17 & 21) - £115
  • * compared to paying over 6 months

Puppy Group Classes

  • 6 week puppy training course
  • Held at Llanymynech Village Hall
  • For puppies up to 8 months
  • Suitable for all breeds
  • Maximum 6 puppies per class
  • Sufficient space to ensure the puppies do not disrupt each other or find the other dogs too close during the session
  • The course will cover:
  • Puppy skills including recall, loose lead walking, close off lead walking & wait
  • Confidence building games
  • Communication & focus activities
  • and more
  • Each session is 55 minutes
  • This is a six week course & missed sessions cannot be refunded

1-2-1 Puppy & Young Dog Programmes

  • Personalised 6 week one to one puppy & young dog training programme for all breeds from 8 weeks, All my programmes and packages can commence in your home as soon as your puppy has settled in.
  • The programme includes:
  • An initial consultation (2 hours) at your home for us all to meet and get to know each other so we can talk through your issues, set up routines if required and to formulate your individual programme
  • 3 x 60 minute sessions fortnightly at or near your home or at my private field in Llanymynech
  • Programme plan and weekly email, phone or WhatsApp support
  • Email or Telephone support
  • Programme (as above) - £220
  • Further sessions - 3 x 1 hour sessions (fortnightly) - £135

2 Hour In Home Behaviour Assessment

  • 2 hour in home behaviour modification assessment.
  • For support with multiple issues including:
  • Biting
  • Toilet training
  • Chewing
  • Barking
  • Jumping up
  • Recall
  • Lead walking
  • Which will require a personalised programme

Behaviour Support Programme From

  • The Speaking Puppy & Adolescent Dog behaviour support programme are sessions held at your home or a suitable location.
  • The programmes are individual to you and your dog's needs are designed to help and support with any behavioural issues. Including: chasing, barking, anxiety, biting & chewing, guarding, separation and reactivity
  • The programme includes:
  • An initial consultation (2 hours) at your home for us all to meet and get to know each other so we can talk through your issues, and to formulate your individual programme
  • 2 x 60 minute sessions (usually fortnightly) initially held held at your home or my field near Llanymenych and when appropriate in an alternative suitable location
  • Programme plan and handouts where required
  • Email or telephone support
  • Programme (as above) - £225
  • Follow on programme - 2 x 60 minute sessions - £120
  • 2 hour in home assessment - £120

Single 1-2-1 Training Session

  • 1-2-1 training sessions held at my field in Llanymynech.
  • 60 minute session to cover any of your puppy or adolescent dogs training needs.
  • We can cover:
  • Recall.
  • Loose lead walking
  • Emergency stop
  • Whistle recall
  • & other training needs
  • Single session £40
  • £99 for 3 weekly or fortnightly sessions

3 x 1-2-1 Training Sessions

  • 1-2-1 training sessions held at my field in Llanymynech.
  • 60 minute session to cover any of your puppy or adolescent dogs training needs.
  • We can cover:
  • Recall.
  • Loose lead walking
  • Emergency stop
  • Whistle recall
  • & other training needs
  • 3 x Session £99 Held weekly or fortnightly
  • Single Session £40

Puppy Preparation Session - Video Call

  • Are you getting a puppy soon?
  • Would you like to know what to expect?
  • Do you want to give your puppy the best start to living with you?
  • A 60 minute online video session can help answer any questions you may have,
  • I can help advise on
  • Items you may need
  • Your puppy's journey home
  • Sleeping arrangements
  • Toilet training
  • Puppy proofing the house & garden
  • Prevention of separation issues
  • Integration with other dogs & animals
  • & more
  • 60 minute video call (via zoom or WhatsApp) - £40
  • If you were to book a full personalise Speaking Puppy Programme at the time of your puppy preparation session you will be offered a 10% discount on your puppy programme once your puppy is home.
Service Area
I am based in Oswestry and have a private field & hold classes in Llanymynech.
For home visits I cover the towns & villages of north west  Shropshire, east Powys including the SY10, SY11, SY12, SY21,SY22, LL14 & LL20 postcodes.
For clients outside these postcodes or if they have dog's that would be uncomfortable with a stranger in the home I also offer video consultations
About Speaking Puppy
Speaking puppy & young dog one to one training programmes & classes for puppies from 8 weeks - 2 years

I want to help & support you through the ups & downs of your puppy & young dog's learning stages, growth, emotional & hormonal changes. Helping you navigate the first 2 years through my 

Puppy Prep Online Session
1-2-1 training & support programmes suitable for puppies & young dogs
Classes for puppies up to 6 months

Based in Oswestry and covering north west Shropshire & east Powys border towns & villages
(SY 10,11,12, 21,22 & LL14 & 20 Postcodes)

Speaking Puppy & Young Dog one to one training programmes, packages & sessions for puppies & dogs from 8 weeks to 2 years Gill believes that this is essential that the well-being of you both is the basis of everything you do. She uses gentle & rewarding training methods & shared activities without using physical or verbal force. Her aim is to help you understand your puppy or dog's needs & natural instincts & build a strong communication, relationship, connection and two way confidence.

Gill Gallagher

Dog Trainer

I am qualified and accredited trainer of the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers (IMDT) on the Principles of Dog Training & Behaviour with the OCN following their Code of Ethics and a Dog Training College approved trainer and a Canine Hoopers World instructor. I am also Platinum Member of the Pet Professional Network. As an advocate for gentle and rewarding methods of training I do not use or condone the use electronic collars, prong collars or other pain emitting equipment or the use any force physically or verbally towards dogs. Any other equipment used must not tighten or cause your dog discomfort. I believe that this is essential but the well-being of you & your dog is the basis of everything you do, so also incorporates choice-based training and shared activities that build a strong relationship, connection and two way communication with our dogs.

Clare Teddy & Buddy

I am so happy we found Gill! With 2 little pups from the same litter I was having a crisis of confidence, no need with Gill. 4 weeks of support sessions and always answered our questions( of which there were many😊) Thanks Gill, Buddy and Teddy miss you and send their love


Jayne & Nellie

I have a four and a half year old dog who finds it hard to focus at times. She's very clever and always wants to be doing something; I already do agility with her and her basic training and our relationship is good. On occasion she goes through a phase where she's much more interested in the environment than me. I'd worked with Gill in the past when she was a puppy and decided to book a course with Gill to see if she could help. After our initial assessment Gill felt her confidence could do with a top up as she sometimes felt a bit pressured. We met at various different places and I quickly realised, with Gill's gentle guidance, that I wasn't always watching and listening to what my dog was telling me with her body language. I was doing too much thinking that I knew what she was thinking (if that makes sense) rather than watching and understanding what she was actually telling me. I'm now much more aware of her behaviour when we are out and about and am able to recognise what she is communicating to me and what to do if a problem arises. Gill does real life dog training. She is very calm, patient and knowledgeable and I love her dog training ethos. It is more about building your relationship with your dog, enjoying time spent with them, letting them do dog stuff and learning their language. 'Be more dog' I think Gill would say.

Roger & Finley

Excellent Knowledge Of Puppies/Adult Dogs. I contacted Gill in the hope she would assist me in training my new Puppy the basic skills of obedience. We initially had an introduction session for 1 1/2 hours so she could become familiar with my puppy and assess him. Talking to her she appeared to be very knowledgeable of dogs so I agreed to continue with Puppy training. I am very pleased with his training and the success we have achieved together I can now get him to respond to my commands. He was very quick to learn but with Gills help he is now ready to go onto Gun Dog Training. I would thoroughly recommend her, to have an obedient dog is both beneficial to you and your dog.

Jane Wayne & Rusty

Valuable Insights Into Canine Behaviour We were nervous about raising a puppy for the first time in 27 years, so decided to book some sessions with Gill. She taught us how to read our puppy's body language, when to intervene and when to let him have time to assimilate a new experience. After a very few sessions, our pup was sitting and lying down on command and happily walking off the lead beside us. He comes when called and best of all, he does this cheerfully, thinking it is all a wonderful game. We feel much more confident in handling him now.

Jane & Rio

Had our first training session on Sunday and what a difference in Rio already. Gill taught us as well as him on how to react to things around us and to watch him and let him tell us if he is nervous Looking forward to next week . Highly recommended.

Helen, Andy, Meggie & Baxter

Gill is patient and encouraging. The sessions really help to build trust between dog and owner. We have learnt strategies to help with various behaviours in a positive way. Thoroughly recommend.

Julia, Flappy and Blue

Reactive Dog Training I have attended two courses with my 2 reactive dogs. Gill is very positive and has helped me have to confidence to recognise signals from my dogs and act accordingly. I have even started walking them again! And Flappy has made a new friend on our walks!!! Thank you

Tony & Bertie

Very good for new owners Gill is very good at showing how new owners can spot the behaviours in dogs and overcome them to the benefit of both. By showing owners and explaining what the dogs are doing and why, you get invaluable tips on how to control and enjoy the dogs without worry. Bertie has loved the sessions and so have I, and both dog and owner have come on in leaps and bounds!

Jo & Ashe

Great opportunity for my dog to meet farm animals in a controlled setting. Will be booking into the next one.

Angela & Theo

Back to Basic's is just what Theo and I needed. Theo was an easily distracted dog when out and now he is a pleasure to walk. Great environment for lessons. Thank you Gill for the training and advise

Dee & Lyla

Great to be around farm animals and be up close to the lambs. Lyla didn’t seem to be to bothered by them. Gill does take a slow and gentle approach so that dogs can process the environment they are in. Good afternoon. Thanks Gill.

Su & Usha

Absolutely superb Had a fabulous first session with Gill. Usha had an absolutely brilliant time, she slept for hours after! Plenty of opportunities for her to learn, play and 'be' in a safe, controlled environment. We both learnt new skills ... and are already practising them at home. Gill explained everything really clearly which made everything so much easier to do! Thank you, really looking forward to the next session

Jo & Lottie

Great Fun for Dogs We have been bringing Lottie our Jack Russell to Hoopers on Sunday mornings and she absolutely loves it. The trainers are brilliant and explain the exercises really clearly and make it fun for the dogs with plenty of opportunity to socialise too.

Claire, Ella & Minnie

Hi Gill I hope you are ok and all your classes are going well. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the classes you did for us and for all that you taught us – a big thank you! Ella and I did really enjoy the classes, especially the puppy socialisation ones. I feel they really helped Minnie get on with the other puppies and got her used to being around new dogs and experiences. I get lots of compliments about how well trained Minnie is, which makes me a very proud puppy mum! She is very obedient (on the whole!), sociable and keen to please. I do lots with her off the lead – she never goes far and comes back quickly if called. I believe that a lot of this is due to what you taught me and it gave me confidence with Minnie and her training. I love being out and about with her and she is now enjoying running off road with me, which is just great for us both! So a big thank you from all of us for your help and guidance (and a woof and a lick from Minnie!)

Hayley & Marble

Hoopers We are on our second Hoopers course with Gill and really enjoying it. The lessons are lots of fun and our young dog Marble has become much more focussed and attentive. Would thoroughly recommend the sessions.

Karen & Roxie

I initially met Gill when attending her Reactive Dog Classes as my Rottie could and was very reactive. Roxie and I learnt together in these classes, skills which would help me in helping her in situations she was not comfortable in. She is maturing into a very well mannered girl albeit can still have to odd moment but I am more aware of her body language. Thanks Gill :-) xx

Bill & Evie

Having nearly always just done obedience, I feel we are more of a team moving around a Hoopers course together!

Mel & Daisy

Really kind dog loving lady who helped me with my puppy. Hope lockdown ends soon for you Gill


Thank you Gill for fitting and supplying our working cocker spaniel with a perfect fit harness, we love it and it makes such a big difference. Gill was also very understanding and accepting of our slightly people shy dogs temperament - which is always helpful! Will definitely recommend you to others ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Karen, Izzy & Basil

I would highly recommend Gill as a trainer. She has great knowledge of how to train even the most hectic terrier. Gills classes are fun and informative. Both me and my terrier love them.

Paula & Bruno

Thank you for an enjoyable challenge Gill, lots of tips and great to hear how we can train our dogs with just a little time and patience .

Jayne & Tarn

Thanks Gill enjoyed the week although I didn't manage 3x5 minutes every day it made me realise I should be doing more. Resolution to try a new skill every week. Thank you

Natalie & Lottie

Lottie has made really good progress with the off switch training this week! We have got to a comfortable stage 3 so will start adding in the cue now as she starts to approach her bed 😊 thanks for all your efforts this week Gill Gallagher it’s been great!

Rhiannon & Tyson

Gill is fantastic, knowledgeable and patient, she had great ideas for any solution, her classes are great fun and she runs lots of distanced challenges that are really helpful. would highly recommend Gill

Sue & Storm

Storm is our 5mth black Labrador, we have had her since 8weeks old, we are both retired & have had dogs all our lives, but not had a puppy for a very long time, & wanted to give her the best possible start, we decided to seek professional help in training her & that’s where Gill came in. We booked for a 6 week 121 training session, we found Gill’s training techniques very instructive not only for Storm but for us as well, Storm took to Gill as soon as she saw her, she was very patient with Storm and ourselves. Storm can now be let off her lead in a secure place, her recall has improved immensely & so has her lead walking. Storm has come a long way in 6 weeks & that is down to Gill’s training. I thoroughly recommend her if you are looking to train your dog.

June, Jasper & Murphy

Trying For My Boys Can’t thank Gill enough for all the hard work she has put into training with my springer and Labrador Jasper and Murph. Top tips and hard working from everyone has turned my two manic dogs into great dogs. Still a small way to go to nail down a couple of issues but overall really happy with the time she has spent on them. It’s been really challenging having two boys so close in age together but we have worked on this and would recommend without hesitation. thanks Gill x


Jo & Luca

Hoopers My Dog Luca and I really enjoyed doing Hoopers with Gill. She is a great trainer and Luca and I learnt so much from her during our Hoopers lessons. I would recommend Gill for the Hoopers and any other training required. She is very patient and passionate about what she does.


Rob & Arti

Great Advice And Support ***** Gill provided myself and my 5 month old working cocker puppy with great advice and support around recall and being outside. She has a secure field with lots of distractions available and was willing to come to local parks to where we live too. Great value for money and Gill has given us the confidence to continue in our training ????, we would highly recommend! Thanks


Helen & Woody

Recall Training I used Gill to train our 2 year old Cavapoo to come back when called. Had 4 sessions with Gill and this has proved to be really useful . The training that I was given was just as good as what the dog had. This has given me more confidence in letting the dog off his lead now Highly recommend Gill


Cindy & Murphy

Recall With Murphy I’m so happy I meet Gill to help me with Murphy’s recall I can happily say it done miracles ????


Carole & Twiggy

A Good Start For Our Puppy Despite being dog owners it's been a long time since we last had a puppy and we felt that we needed some help. Gill has been great for guiding us down the right path to give our puppy a happy, confident and obedient start to life. Gill has been a great help in getting our puppy off to a good start in life.

Most people love puppies and often find it very cute when young puppies jump up to them. But as the puppy gets older, bigger and sometimes muddier people are less accepting of this behaviour. I am obviously a dog and puppy lover and twice in the last week when I was out walking dogs came running up and jumped up at me. When the pet parent apologised I said "no problem" because I love dogs.

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Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell, one that is far superior to our own. While we humans rely heavily on our eyesight to navigate the world, dogs use their noses as their primary sense with hearing second and there eyesight their least effective sense. Understanding your dog's super power will help you appreciate their unique abilities and help you find ways to enrich their lives.

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Christmas and other holiday periods are happening soon and if like me you love to celebrate it is worth considering how this time of year may affect your puppies or dogs. You may live a quiet life for 11 months but in December you become a "Christmas Monster" and all of a sudden your house turns into a fairy grotto with decorations, music food you don't eat for the rest of the year. Imagine what your dog may make of this especially if it is their first year.

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I know this is a website specialising in puppies and adolescent dogs, but for a dog to reach and enjoy their senior years, we need to look after its physical and emotional well-being throughout their life. This includes: Good nutrition & medical care Appropriate exercise Managing their safety Responding to their physical & cognitive changes

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Halloween and Guy Fawkes (bonfire) night can be fun for many, and some dogs can cope with the costumes, decorations, bangs and flashes. Many of our dogs and other pets do not cope well during this time of year and some are really frightened by new and strange sights and sudden noises. I will cover things you can do to help you ensure your dog and other pets are not scared while you are enjoying the celebrations.

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Many of the initial enquiries I receive start with "How can I stop my puppy or dog ..........? doing things such as toileting in the house biting, chewing, barking, Jumping up, crying when left, guarding Items, chasing, pulling any other issues This blog will explain why these may not be answered successfully without seeking help from a dog trainer or behaviourist

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Just like humans, dogs also go through a period of adolescence as they transition from puppyhood to adulthood. It can vary with individual dogs and will also depend on the breed of your puppy and its adult size but can start at approximately 5 months for small breeds up to 2 years for giant breeds. It is triggered by the increase hormones such as testosterone in males and oestrogen in females.

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The best time to request help is as soon as you notice any recurring behaviours that you find inappropriate and if you see signs of aggression, fear, anxiety, or excessive reactivity in your dog.

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Choosing a puppy involves considering many things to ensure you find a breed that suits your current & future lifestyle, preferences, & needs. While also considering the puppy’s natural instincts needs & personalities as these may not be compatible. This may cause conflict and distress to both you & your dog. It is also important to consider their adult size, future grooming, health, & care requirements.

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What is “Puppy Socialisation”? Is it allowing your puppy to meet, approach and interact with any dog, person, or animal they encounter? Or is it helping them become dogs well-adjusted, confident, and friendly in many environments and situations? “Socialising” or “confidence building” you puppy to different environments, situations & other dogs and animals is such an important process that will help them navigate their way through their life in a happy and relaxed manner.

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  • Speaking Spaniel & Speaking Puppy personalised programmes & one to one sessions or packages are carried out by Gill Gallagher trading as Allsorts Dog Behaviour Care (business operator as registered by the HMRC)
  • All programmes must be paid in full for within 24 of the booking being confirmed via email (unless a delay has been discussed and agreed in writing by Gill). If the payment is not received within 24 hours of booking confirmation being received without any explanation the whole programme may be cancelled 
  • Cancellations or Rescheduling – 48 hours notice is required to reschedule
  • Cancellations within 48 - 24 hours could possibly rescheduled if a suitable date can be agreed by both parties
  • Cancellations of less than 24 hours will only be rescheduled at the discretion of Gill. This will include serious family & dog illness or situations. Otherwise will be forfeited.
  • Sessions may be rescheduled if Gill decides it will be dangerous for you or your dog usually due to abnormal weather, conditions this applies when the ground is very wet & slippery or the temperature is too hot or cold for the welfare of all parties. Sessions will take place in the rain unless it is torrential or unseasonal
  • If Gill has to reschedule due to illness or serious family issues you will be notified via phone or text message as soon as the decision has been made.
  • Refunds would only be given in extreme circumstances and at the discretion of the Gill operator and requests need to be made in writing 
  • Speaking Spaniel & Speaking Puppy reserve the right to cancel any programme (at any time & with immediate effect) if any dog or the family are not responding or committed to the programme, and/or by the continuing of the programme is deemed, by her to constitute a risk to the family, the dog, Gill or a third party. The remainder of the fee will be refunded in this case.
  • Gill Gallagher will apply personal and professional judgment to cut short a session, if necessary. Reasons could be because of extreme weather conditions; including, but not limited to excessive heat, torrential rain, thunderstorms and snow/ice. Also, if there is an issue of safety to you, your dog, Gill, members of the public or other animals  In such circumstances Gill will make the decision to reschedule the session (either complete or partial)
  • Although we cannot guarantee a 100% success rate with our training methods however, we have a high success rate with previous clients who follow and practice our methods in the long term.
  • Gill is an advocate for gentle and rewarding methods of training which may not be instant and take commitment from you to work with  your dog and follow the instruction given in the long-term without use of any aversive training methods.
  • Speaking Puppy or Gill will not use or condone the use of electronic collars, prong collars or other pain emitting equipment or the use any force physically or verbally towards dogs. If these are used during the period of the working relationship and a guarantee made that they will not be used again the programme will be terminated with immediate effect and no refunds given.
  • All dogs that are known to bite other dogs or cause injury to people or other animals will be required to wear a muzzle and or other safety equipment. If you would like help to get your dog used to muzzles or any other safety equipment prior to the programme commencing Gill can help via a video consultation. 
  • Speaking Puppy take no responsibility for dogs who are not muzzled or are not following any specific safety instructions given when working outside of our session. Failure to wear a muzzle or any other safety equipment in all situations when instructed to will result in termination of your programme with immediate effect and no refunds given.
  • Allsorts Dog  Behaviour & Care (business operator) & Gill Gallagher carry comprehensive insurance; however, any accident or injury during training sessions may not be covered if you have failed to use appropriate equipment or follow all given advice.
  • Dogs must be always kept under control as instructed when we enter your premises and when under instruction by Gill at their field or a public space. Failure to do so and any injury caused by your dog being out of control will be your full responsibility.
  • In some cases, we may use dogs or people to aid training where appropriate. You will be responsible for keeping your dog a safe distance  away (as instructed by Gill) from them and if asked will need your dog to wear a muzzle during these sessions.
  • You may be asked by Gill to share success stories about your dog via social media and share photos. If not, a written request for photographs not to be taken or used is required on your booking form.
  • You may be asked by Gill if you are happy to write a testimonial if requested.
  • You may be asked by Gill to report/check in regularly about your dog’s progress through either email, text, or by sharing on our Facebook page or respond to any communication from Speaking Puppy (Allsorts Dog Behaviour & Care)
Your privacy and protection of yourself, dogs and your home
  • Any of the personal information we hold on file, is for Speaking Spaniel (Allsorts Dog Behaviour & Care's) records only. We do not pass any of your details to third parties of any kind and will only be used for passing information back to you. We comply with the strict laws following the new GDPR 2018. All files are destroyed after 7 years from the last time a service was used by you.
  • We may take photos and videos during training sessions for learning and advertising purposes. We will do our best to not include your face, unless agreed beforehand. If you object to photos/videos, please mark as such on the booking form
  • Allsorts Dog Behaviour & Care is covered by a full business insurance including public & employee liability and professional indemnity . You have the right to view our policy at any given time.
  • Our insurance will only cover your dog and your home in the event of negligence by Allsorts Dog Behaviour & Care and only during the duration of the services. It is your responsibility to ensure your dog and home has adequate insurance and you follow all the safety instructions the coach issued to you. Allsorts Dog Behaviour & Care are not responsible for issues which occur outside of coaching sessions.